"Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Advanced Technological Applications",
NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Perpignan, France, 21 - 24 September, 2011

With support from the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, the International Dielectric Society is organizing a NATO Advanced Research Workshop. The main purpose of the Workshop is to facilitate discussions between theorists and experimentalists in the field of dielectric spectroscopy on current theoretical issues as well as applications of Dielectric Spectroscopy in many science and engineering disciplines. Scientists utilizing Dielectric Spectroscopy in condensed matter physics, colloid chemistry, glass science and engineering, polymer science, rheology, and biophysics will have the opportunity to discuss the critical issues in nanotechnology, new materials; life sciences, medical physics; environmental security; landmine detection, etc. Participants will confront each other in a congenial manner on their often divergent views and opinions, thus enhancing the knowledge of dielectric phenomena in complex systems. The intention is that these discussions will open new avenues in sensor research. Other important goals of the Workshop are to identify new area for exploration and the corresponding experiments that will yield supporting evidence for expected and observed physical properties and to provide to theoreticians and experimentalists the possibility of becoming acquainted with each other's work. The conference presentations will also be focused on how the instrumentation can be adapted to several major industrial fields.

The official part of the Workshop will consist of invited talks of key speakers in the field of dielectric spectroscopy and two poster sessions.

       We look forward to hearing from you.

        The Organizing Committee



Important Dates (Deadlines)


Registration and abstract submission:        30 June 2011

Notification of acceptance:                          10 July 2011

Payment:                                                       21 August 2011

ARW:                                                             21-24 September 2011

Paper submission:                                          21 November 2011